Modern Temptations and Old Fashioned Solutions

Today’s society frequently suggests that the solution lies in “finding yourself” or delving into your feelings. It promotes the idea that self-satisfaction can be achieved by gazing into one’s own heart.

Yet, such an approach does not lead to adequate solutions.


Milan Nešić

Milan Nešić is a 22-year-old designer, writer, and researcher from Kragujevac, Serbia. A devoted father to his son Peter and husband to his wife Angela, Milan brings a unique blend of creativity, curiosity, and life experience to his work.

Passionate about sharing wisdom that transcends time, Milan wrote Modern Temptations and Old-Fashioned Solutions to offer practical, universal knowledge that can guide readers through life’s challenges. His fascination with history, keen interest in political events, and drive to constantly learn new skills inspire his perspective and fuel his writing.

Through his work, Milan seeks to bridge the gap between modern-day struggles and timeless truths, empowering readers to find clarity and strength in the wisdom of the past.

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